For a while that was frustrating, but now I find having the time to focus on myself, while at a good point in my life, is mostly enjoyable. So in her spirit, I'm starting my own 100 Things to Do Before I Fall In Love Again. I don't yet know what this list is going to look like, it might be frivilous, it might be serious. Let's find out.
- Visit Tara (and now Avanti) in San Francisco.
Visit Reada in Peru.Go to an Amigos site this summer as a visitor.Watch someone I love commit themselves to a wonderful relationship.- Bike ride in the rain.
Kiss a stranger at a wedding.- Compete in a boxing match.
Fly First Class- Make a scrap book of a trip - Lui
Win a game of Texas Hold 'Em.- Take tennis lessons.
Get a dog.Dance at least one great salsa dance.- On a beautiful weekend go to the Menil. Make sure to explore the whole Menil Campus: museum, Cy Twombly, Dan Flavin, Byzantine and Rothko Chapels. Take a picnic and have lunch somewhere pretty. When you are in the Menil, make sure to pay attention to how the light filters through the louvers. (Am I an archi or what?) - Tara
Tell the people you love how important they are to you.- Go skiing.
- Take the most luxurious bath possible. Candles, nice-smelling things, the whole works. - Tara
- Take some more gorgeous black and white photos
- Frame them.
- Take a walk. A nice long walk. Enjoy all the beautiful things around you. Really take them in. - Tara
Make tamales with your family.- Draw. Get a sketchbook and just go. It doesn't have to be good, but just from you. -Tara
Volunteer at something. Pick your cause, do something good. - Tara- Donate to a school or hospital. - Tara
- Give blood. - Tara
Take a Vacation alone.Make individual pizzas with fun toppings. - TaraInvite the girls over for a marathon of something super girlie. Grey's, Project Runway, etc.- Make up a scavenger hunt. - Tara
- Get a new hobby
- Make a calendar with fun pictures from all your adventures. You'll get to remember them throughout the year. - Tara
Cook something French.- Learn something new, like sewing or knitting. Make something useful. - Tara
- Just have fun!! Appreciate life and all it's goodness. (A lot of these were my favorite things to do in Singapore, when I was trying to figure out who Tara not involved in 90 million things was. Tara who took her time to appreciate life. And a lot are things I still want to do!! ) -Tara
- Have a girly sleepover.
- Go on a “date” with an amazing friend (female) to a really nice restaurant and do the whole appetizer, entrĂ©e, wine, AND dessert with no pressure. - Lui
- Go find a large print or piece of handmade paper (Texas Art) you LOVE and frame it. Put it up in your room. - Tara
- Make Mexican Mole from scratch
- See how long I can go without shaving (no one is going to be touching your legs!) – this one of course I treasure since I have to constantly shave because of my bf - Lui
- Join a flag football team (and yes kids, Mandy Legal and I will be starting one in the spring- be ready) - Lui I amend this to any type of team.
- Have a spa day with a girlfriend.
- Take a trip to New Orleans with all the girls for a weekend - Lui
- Spend a night dancing and singing in your room to your favorite mix of songs - Lui
- Do something with co-workers not work or lunch related. Connect with people.
- Take Salsa Lessons
- Get a Promotion
- Shamelessly flirt with a stranger.
- Take Country Dancing Lessons
- Go Hang Gliding
- Make a new girlfriend and go out to drinks with her.
- Be happy for an ex-boyfriend's new relationship.
Whew! 50 is all I have for now, but we'll see how this progresses.