Note: I originally started this blog to record my travels when I studied abroad in Costa Rica in 2004. I've posted various ramblings since then, but I'm going back to it's original purpose as a travel journal. Since I can barely remember what I did two days ago, let alone two years ago, I've learned that I need to document my trips or I'll forget them.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

100 Things to Do Before I Fall In Love Again

I found a great blog, where a girl lists 100 things she'll do before she falls in love again. It was her way of focusing on herself after her break up. Well, my broken heart has well healed but I still haven't found someone love. I've met many guys, gone on many dates, and even found someone who I would have enjoyed having a relationship with, but nothing yet has come to fruitaton.

For a while that was frustrating, but now I find having the time to focus on myself, while at a good point in my life, is mostly enjoyable. So in her spirit, I'm starting my own 100 Things to Do Before I Fall In Love Again. I don't yet know what this list is going to look like, it might be frivilous, it might be serious. Let's find out.

  1. Visit Tara (and now Avanti) in San Francisco.
  2. Visit Reada in Peru. 
  3. Go to an Amigos site this summer as a visitor.
  4. Watch someone I love commit themselves to a wonderful relationship.
  5. Bike ride in the rain.
  6. Kiss a stranger at a wedding.
  7. Compete in a boxing match.
  8. Fly First Class
  9. Make a scrap book of a trip - Lui
  10. Win a game of Texas Hold 'Em.
  11. Take tennis lessons.
  12. Get a dog.
  13. Dance at least one great salsa dance.
  14. On a beautiful weekend go to the Menil. Make sure to explore the whole Menil Campus: museum, Cy Twombly, Dan Flavin, Byzantine and Rothko Chapels. Take a picnic and have lunch somewhere pretty. When you are in the Menil, make sure to pay attention to how the light filters through the louvers. (Am I an archi or what?) - Tara
  15. Tell the people you love how important they are to you.
  16. Go skiing.
  17. Take the most luxurious bath possible. Candles, nice-smelling things, the whole works. - Tara
  18. Take some more gorgeous black and white photos
  19. Frame them.
  20. Take a walk. A nice long walk. Enjoy all the beautiful things around you. Really take them in. - Tara
  21. Make tamales with your family.
  22. Draw. Get a sketchbook and just go. It doesn't have to be good, but just from you. -Tara
  23. Volunteer at something. Pick your cause, do something good. - Tara
  24. Donate to a school or hospital. - Tara
  25. Give blood. - Tara
  26. Take a Vacation alone.
  27. Make individual pizzas with fun toppings. - Tara
  28. Invite the girls over for a marathon of something super girlie. Grey's, Project Runway, etc.
  29. Make up a scavenger hunt. - Tara
  30. Get a new hobby
  31. Make a calendar with fun pictures from all your adventures. You'll get to remember them throughout the year. - Tara
  32. Cook something French.
  33. Learn something new, like sewing or knitting. Make something useful. - Tara
  34. Just have fun!! Appreciate life and all it's goodness. (A lot of these were my favorite things to do in Singapore, when I was trying to figure out who Tara not involved in 90 million things was. Tara who took her time to appreciate life. And a lot are things I still want to do!! ) -Tara
  35. Have a girly sleepover.
  36. Go on a “date” with an amazing friend (female) to a really nice restaurant and do the whole appetizer, entrĂ©e, wine, AND dessert with no pressure. - Lui
  37. Go find a large print or piece of handmade paper (Texas Art) you LOVE and frame it. Put it up in your room. - Tara
  38. Make Mexican Mole from scratch
  39. See how long I can go without shaving (no one is going to be touching your legs!) – this one of course I treasure since I have to constantly shave because of my bf - Lui
  40. Join a flag football team (and yes kids, Mandy Legal and I will be starting one in the spring- be ready) - Lui I amend this to any type of team.
  41. Have a spa day with a girlfriend.
  42. Take a trip to New Orleans with all the girls for a weekend - Lui
  43. Spend a night dancing and singing in your room to your favorite mix of songs - Lui
  44. Do something with co-workers not work or lunch related. Connect with people.
  45. Take Salsa Lessons
  46. Get a Promotion
  47. Shamelessly flirt with a stranger.
  48. Take Country Dancing Lessons
  49. Go Hang Gliding
  50. Make a new girlfriend and go out to drinks with her.
  51. Be happy for an ex-boyfriend's new relationship.

Whew!  50 is all I have for now, but we'll see how this progresses.

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