Note: I originally started this blog to record my travels when I studied abroad in Costa Rica in 2004. I've posted various ramblings since then, but I'm going back to it's original purpose as a travel journal. Since I can barely remember what I did two days ago, let alone two years ago, I've learned that I need to document my trips or I'll forget them.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

And I thought they were gone for good

Oh no, they're back. That's right, the knots in my shoulder had gone fishin but now they've returned to set up shop. God, in spite of all my drama, I really didn't have much stress here but now I have a huge headache and I wish I had my loveseat, a bottle of wine, some chill music and some candles.

Ok, I do not have control of other people or they're actions. Or for that matter what kind of time they have when they come visit me in Costa Rica, what they're doing at home, what happens if I'm not there to help them in their flower shop over Valentine's Day, what's gonna happen to them if they get caught one more time by the cops, what kind of state their marriage is in, NADA. I only have to worry about my budget here in Costa Rica, not missing too many classes, and remembering to slather the sunscreen on. That is it. In the long run, everything is trivial and trivial things do not merit stress. Ok, feel better already.

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