Note: I originally started this blog to record my travels when I studied abroad in Costa Rica in 2004. I've posted various ramblings since then, but I'm going back to it's original purpose as a travel journal. Since I can barely remember what I did two days ago, let alone two years ago, I've learned that I need to document my trips or I'll forget them.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004


I've been thinking about so much stuff lately that there is literally a constant pressure in my head. How people perceive the world boggles me. I mean, perception in general shapes what you believe, how you act, and what you think. We make all these judgments on people based on five minutes of what we see in front of us, never knowing what is going on underneath what they've shown us. We don't know people's pasts, or who they are when they're alone or with different people. Everything we see is based on us, on who we are and what's going on in our lives which means we could be wrong about so many things that we've perceived in the past.

Another thing that I'm confused by right now is trust, faith and belief. I mean, the idea that to trust someone, you have to believe that they are telling you the truth when you have NO idea what is really going on. I mean, it's almost like closing your eyes and jumping off a bridge because someone tells you there is a net under you. I mean, it makes no sense. People could be doing anything, and telling you something else. Yet, a life without faith or trust is so empty. God, how do you just not go crazy thinking of all the things someone could be doing while you aren't with them.

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